Here's the four main categories we're stocking:
1. the CLASSICS. We love Goethe. We adore Faulkner. We think very highly of Herman Hesse, George Orwell, Flannery O'Conner and Gunter Grass. Tolstoy, Borges and Dostoyevsky were class acts. You get the idea.
2. the MODERN. It's hard to draw the line between "classics" and these guys, but Barthelme, Bukowski, DeLillo, Deborah Eisenberg and WG Sebald are all writers that we need to represent. You can probably think of others.
3. the OTHER. Zines, comics, graphic novels and more - probably the most difficult thing to find in Kosovo.
Here's a simple rule: if it changed your life, we want it to change someone else's too.
If you're reading this right now, then your books are probably in English. No problem—in fact a lot of people here prefer books in English. We just want to make sure that they have access to the coolest literature possible, and duplicate donations will be sold to accomplish our other cultural goals. We'll honor your contribution with a bookplate. Send your books here.